
At, you can begin setting up your Trezor device by connecting it to your computer and following prompts for setup.

At, you can initiate the setup process for your Trezor hardware wallet. This guide will walk you through the essential steps to get your Trezor device up and running securely.

Getting Started with Trezor

  1. Connecting Your Trezor Device: Begin by connecting your Trezor to your computer using the provided USB cable. Ensure your device is powered on and ready for setup.

  2. Accessing Open your web browser and go to This page serves as the central hub for setting up your Trezor wallet, providing clear instructions and necessary links.

  3. Selecting Your Device: Trezor offers various models, such as Trezor One and Trezor Model T. Choose your specific device to proceed with the setup tailored to its features.

Setting Up Your Trezor Device

  1. Installing Trezor Bridge (if needed): Depending on your operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux), you may need to install Trezor Bridge, which facilitates communication between your Trezor device and your computer.

  2. Creating a New Wallet or Recovering Existing Wallet: If this is your first time using Trezor, select "Create a new wallet" and follow the on-screen instructions to generate a new seed phrase. If you're recovering an existing wallet, choose the "Recover wallet" option and enter your recovery seed.

  3. Generating Your Recovery Seed: Your recovery seed is a crucial backup of your wallet. Trezor will guide you through the process of generating a 24-word recovery seed. Write it down on the provided recovery card and keep it safe.

  4. Setting Up PIN Protection: Configure a PIN code for accessing your Trezor device. This PIN adds an extra layer of security, preventing unauthorized access in case your device is lost or stolen.

  5. Device Labeling and Firmware Update: Optionally, you can label your device for easy identification if you own multiple Trezors. It's also recommended to check for any available firmware updates to ensure your device has the latest security features.

Installing Trezor Suite (Optional)

  1. Exploring Trezor Suite: Trezor Suite is a comprehensive desktop application that offers advanced features like coin management, exchange integrations, and portfolio tracking. Visit to download and install Trezor Suite for an enhanced user experience.

  2. Transferring Cryptocurrencies: Once your Trezor is set up, you can transfer cryptocurrencies to your device for secure storage. Use the Trezor Suite or compatible third-party wallets that support Trezor integration for managing your assets.

  3. Security Best Practices: Always verify the authenticity of and the Trezor devices you purchase to avoid counterfeit products. Keep your recovery seed offline and never share it with anyone. Regularly update your device firmware to protect against potential vulnerabilities.


By following the steps outlined at, you can confidently set up and start using your Trezor hardware wallet. Remember to keep your recovery seed safe and stay informed about security practices to safeguard your cryptocurrencies effectively.

Last updated